Development and implementation of technology for the production of complex alloy steels with a homogeneous structure due to the synergy of effects on the melt
The goal of the program: Development of a technology for the production of complex-alloy steels with a homogeneous and defect-free structure due to the synergy of external and internal effects on the melt during the primary crystallization process with nanopowder modifiers, inoculators and combined magnetic and vibration treatment to improve the performance properties of castings and subsequent implementation of the technology in production.
Mission of NJSC "Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov":
Ensuring high quality innovative engineering education, scientific research and entrepreneurship for sustainable socio-economic development of Central Kazakhstan.
University of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The leading state higher education institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the training of highly qualified technical personnel.