Towards a better life through science
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Scientific research

Research methods and ethical issues

1) Certified methods will be used to conduct laboratory and production research, and modern standard technological equipment and research instruments will be applied.

Theoretical studies will be conducted using licensed computer programs, for example, the Thixomet Pro program will be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of images of microstructures of complex alloy steels, the PoligonSoft program will be used for modeling casting processes, and the ThermoCalc program will be used for thermodynamic modeling of alloys.

The experiments will use methods for studying alloys, such as electron microscopy, mercury porosimetry, X-ray phase and X-ray structural analysis, methods for assessing mechanical properties and chemical composition.

The reliability of the obtained results will be ensured by conducting research taking into account scientific forecasting, repeatability, informative data sampling, precise adherence to research methods, and the use of certified/accredited equipment.

All achieved theoretical results will also be confirmed by research in the laboratory and production space.

The initial step in the direction of research will be the results of the conducted monitoring of the Kazakhstan market and information analysis in the direction of the Program, which will allow selecting the most popular research objects (steel grades) the optimal type of technological modes of internal and external impact on the melt, the developed technology for obtaining a complex alloy with a homogeneous and defect-free structure will take into account the method of impact and the smelted steel grades; studies of the structure and properties of complex alloy steels processed using the proposed technology will also be conducted; testing of the proven technology in production conditions will be carried out and, if necessary, its adjustment will be carried out taking into account the results obtained.

2) a brief description of the most important experiments;

  • basic and experimental studies in laboratory conditions to determine the influence of the nature and quantity of nanomodifiers/inoculants, the impact of a magnetic field and mechanical vibrations on the structure and properties of complex-alloy steels;

  • identification of dependencies between the parameters of inoculators and nanomodifiers, the modes of magnetic and mechanical effects and the structure and properties of the steels under study;

  • determination of the influence of casting modes on the structure and properties of castings made of complex alloy steels;

  • determination of optimal modes of external and internal influence on the melt of complex-alloy steels under production conditions.

3) The objective of the Program will be achieved taking into account the use of current methods for studying the structure and phase composition of complex alloys, determining the mechanical and operational properties of castings from complex alloy steels: metallographic analysis, porosimetry, electron microscopy, X-ray structural and X-ray phase analysis, fractographic analysis, the use of ultrasonic flaw detection, etc.

It is planned to use modern licensed computer programs for modeling technological processes (ProligonSolft, ThermoCalc, ThixometPro), mathematical processing of the obtained results in research.

The research methods used will ensure repeatability and transparency of the results and will provide reliable information on the structural, phase, and chemical composition of the alloys being studied.

4) Standard methods will be used for experimental studies with the involvement of modern research instruments and technological equipment. All equipment planned for use has verification certificates and is accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025-2019. The reliability of the results obtained will be ensured by studies conducted on the basis of scientific concepts and apparatus of metal science, X-ray phase and structural analysis, strength theory, mathematics and systems analysis.

The scientific methods used for research guarantee the achievement of the stated goal of the Program. The reliability of the results obtained will be confirmed by their repeatability, including in independent laboratories of other research scientific centers, including foreign ones.

5) To protect and divide intellectual property rights to the research results, we will adopt the following methods of protection:

  1. obtaining copyright for a scientific work (in accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Copyright and Related Rights") through registration in official registers, which will be carried out by an authorized body in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (obtaining a patent, etc.); use of the copyright protection mark (placed on each copy of the work and necessarily consisting of three elements: the Latin letter © in a circle; the name (title) of the owner of exclusive copyright; the year of first publication of the work), as well as ISBN;

  2. ensuring the confidentiality of scientific materials on the topic of the program before publication in print, i.e. their accounting and strict control;

  3. conclusion of an author's agreement between members of the research group on the division of their copyrights to scientific works.

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Law on Intellectual Property No. 6-I dated 10.06.1996, Article 10.